Take a look how to build on CMDB and create an Application catalogue for users...
A comprehensive model for capturing IT elements and their relations. Look at entities from various layers - process, application, hardware, datacenter, project
Learn how to simply update common properties of the parent class with data from the child class
The main entity of the system layer is Machine (server OS), the server file system, certificates, scheduled tasks etc.
Configuration item (CI) is a parent class of many other classes.
Case study of a solution providing notifications to contacts of particular servers.
Machine is the main entity of the system layer. It keeps records of servers and other intangible objects defined by operating systems, not devices.
Device is the main entity of the hardware layer. It keeps records of physical devices, on which servers (machines) are running.
Filesystem is one of system layer entities. It keeps information about server disks.
Certificates are one of system layer entities. They record information about server certificates.
There are various machine types recorded in the Machine (OS Server) entity: Servers (physical and virtual), Clusters, Farms, Cluster services
Transfer data between ObjectGears and Sparx Enterprise Architect
Transfer data from discovery system JDisc into ObjectGears CMDB
Create a record in CMDB from Powershellu by calling ObjectGears Script for execution
Common parent class of particular application types.
Application interfaces
Application batches
Application (Physical) components represent a connection between Application and Machine.
Business application instance defines particular instance of the given application in the given environment.
Class Business applications.
Class External system of model IT (CMDB)
Class with vendor data.
Class with service contracts data
Class with data about support of configuration items
Class with Service tickets data
Class with business capabilities data.
Class with data from Business Impact Analysis (BIA) quetionnaire
Class with the elementary server network records: IP address, MAC address, DNS hostname.
Třída síťových rozhraní
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